Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 03:37 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 508918
Total Files 482697
Total Pages 299757
Total Visits 37109
Total KBytes 74652626
Total Unique Sites 19343
Total Unique URLs 3307
Total Unique Referrers 1267
Total Unique User Agents 3475
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 684 2832
Hits per Day 16416 20566
Files per Day 15570 19890
Pages per Day 9669 13015
Sites per Day 623 3222
Visits per Day 1197 3110
KBytes per Day 2408149 3868942
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 94.85% 482697
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.81% 4136
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 16
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.99% 10141
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 76
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 17
Code 404 - Not Found 2.33% 11835

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 19039 3.74% 18105 3.75% 13015 4.34% 2927 7.89% 2806 14.51% 2738177 3.67%
2 16731 3.29% 15818 3.28% 10594 3.53% 2930 7.90% 3072 15.88% 2077820 2.78%
3 17104 3.36% 16074 3.33% 10927 3.65% 3110 8.38% 3074 15.89% 1897623 2.54%
4 15749 3.09% 15059 3.12% 10294 3.43% 2870 7.73% 2836 14.66% 1910712 2.56%
5 18249 3.59% 17605 3.65% 10674 3.56% 2243 6.04% 2684 13.88% 2859613 3.83%
6 18789 3.69% 18174 3.77% 10669 3.56% 1856 5.00% 2369 12.25% 2885021 3.86%
7 16779 3.30% 16083 3.33% 9751 3.25% 1991 5.37% 2402 12.42% 2373615 3.18%
8 18131 3.56% 17242 3.57% 9167 3.06% 1549 4.17% 2405 12.43% 3040029 4.07%
9 20012 3.93% 19402 4.02% 10672 3.56% 2967 8.00% 3222 16.66% 3109655 4.17%
10 15319 3.01% 14871 3.08% 9480 3.16% 1367 3.68% 1979 10.23% 2040078 2.73%
11 13751 2.70% 12775 2.65% 8793 2.93% 605 1.63% 1271 6.57% 1569265 2.10%
12 17059 3.35% 15997 3.31% 8895 2.97% 534 1.44% 1248 6.45% 2964615 3.97%
13 14569 2.86% 13631 2.82% 8568 2.86% 576 1.55% 1397 7.22% 1996393 2.67%
14 16685 3.28% 15186 3.15% 10153 3.39% 731 1.97% 1283 6.63% 2112575 2.83%
15 16087 3.16% 14981 3.10% 9214 3.07% 591 1.59% 1150 5.95% 2470642 3.31%
16 16288 3.20% 15511 3.21% 8683 2.90% 592 1.60% 1782 9.21% 2346201 3.14%
17 16015 3.15% 15348 3.18% 9316 3.11% 797 2.15% 1325 6.85% 2512392 3.37%
18 15153 2.98% 14190 2.94% 8519 2.84% 593 1.60% 1141 5.90% 2352156 3.15%
19 13266 2.61% 12544 2.60% 8649 2.89% 616 1.66% 891 4.61% 1646287 2.21%
20 14957 2.94% 13862 2.87% 9479 3.16% 646 1.74% 987 5.10% 2187830 2.93%
21 13884 2.73% 12463 2.58% 9065 3.02% 603 1.62% 1203 6.22% 1777180 2.38%
22 15155 2.98% 13813 2.86% 9522 3.18% 569 1.53% 1100 5.69% 1836062 2.46%
23 13409 2.63% 12708 2.63% 8259 2.76% 573 1.54% 856 4.43% 1700725 2.28%
24 13724 2.70% 12728 2.64% 9007 3.00% 568 1.53% 937 4.84% 1806086 2.42%
25 15111 2.97% 14783 3.06% 9687 3.23% 533 1.44% 1129 5.84% 2017526 2.70%
26 17899 3.52% 17471 3.62% 9969 3.33% 898 2.42% 1197 6.19% 3086501 4.13%
27 14674 2.88% 14237 2.95% 9429 3.15% 807 2.17% 1495 7.73% 2119376 2.84%
28 18390 3.61% 17952 3.72% 9495 3.17% 638 1.72% 1198 6.19% 3417652 4.58%
29 19386 3.81% 17935 3.72% 9546 3.18% 650 1.75% 923 4.77% 3312943 4.44%
30 20566 4.04% 19890 4.12% 9913 3.31% 618 1.67% 971 5.02% 3868942 5.18%
31 16988 3.34% 16259 3.37% 10353 3.45% 666 1.79% 911 4.71% 2618934 3.51%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 653 20267 3.98% 614 19043 3.95% 417 12948 4.32% 85500 2650510 3.55%
1 676 20981 4.12% 645 20014 4.15% 407 12626 4.21% 97938 3036073 4.07%
2 668 20736 4.07% 639 19818 4.11% 423 13137 4.38% 91075 2823323 3.78%
3 684 21205 4.17% 633 19629 4.07% 411 12743 4.25% 87144 2701471 3.62%
4 686 21286 4.18% 648 20118 4.17% 401 12456 4.16% 98342 3048591 4.08%
5 605 18770 3.69% 560 17368 3.60% 392 12171 4.06% 74309 2303584 3.09%
6 691 21437 4.21% 662 20536 4.25% 397 12322 4.11% 99621 3088246 4.14%
7 616 19096 3.75% 586 18168 3.76% 400 12418 4.14% 82903 2569999 3.44%
8 665 20621 4.05% 635 19712 4.08% 392 12168 4.06% 91815 2846253 3.81%
9 681 21117 4.15% 650 20179 4.18% 412 12796 4.27% 93727 2905535 3.89%
10 733 22750 4.47% 698 21658 4.49% 405 12585 4.20% 129566 4016546 5.38%
11 695 21570 4.24% 667 20682 4.28% 384 11934 3.98% 110242 3417492 4.58%
12 776 24083 4.73% 745 23105 4.79% 430 13344 4.45% 130801 4054818 5.43%
13 729 22615 4.44% 698 21658 4.49% 395 12250 4.09% 116337 3606455 4.83%
14 708 21967 4.32% 646 20051 4.15% 396 12281 4.10% 103808 3218034 4.31%
15 733 22735 4.47% 703 21818 4.52% 397 12324 4.11% 120425 3733178 5.00%
16 665 20631 4.05% 638 19794 4.10% 401 12456 4.16% 99708 3090961 4.14%
17 731 22678 4.46% 699 21698 4.50% 404 12542 4.18% 116159 3600935 4.82%
18 653 20256 3.98% 619 19206 3.98% 377 11690 3.90% 103587 3211198 4.30%
19 715 22169 4.36% 673 20886 4.33% 403 12497 4.17% 98401 3050430 4.09%
20 623 19319 3.80% 593 18387 3.81% 394 12235 4.08% 83867 2599872 3.48%
21 677 20997 4.13% 645 20021 4.15% 411 12770 4.26% 99552 3086121 4.13%
22 615 19084 3.75% 577 17898 3.71% 393 12194 4.07% 82676 2562951 3.43%
23 727 22548 4.43% 685 21250 4.40% 415 12870 4.29% 110647 3430051 4.59%

Top 30 of 3307 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 223291 43.88% 4050978 5.43% /
2 5347 1.05% 63 0.00% /robots.txt
3 1448 0.28% 1983 0.00% /favicon.ico
4 821 0.16% 12482 0.02% /1999+.html
5 819 0.16% 4426 0.01% /The American Connection.cfm
6 808 0.16% 14190 0.02% /1900_1920.html
7 805 0.16% 90559 0.12% /B
8 779 0.15% 3688 0.00% /Useful URLs.html
9 733 0.14% 15111 0.02% /Index.html
10 708 0.14% 2843 0.00% /History Sites and Articles.html
11 704 0.14% 13142 0.02% /1990.html
12 686 0.13% 12430 0.02% /FINDER.html
13 658 0.13% 9655 0.01% /1998_S.html
14 645 0.13% 10288 0.01% /1980_1983.html
15 630 0.12% 6620 0.01% /1998 T-Z.html
16 625 0.12% 9711 0.01% /1998 L-N.html
17 623 0.12% 21013 0.03% /1950s.html
18 589 0.12% 3720 0.00% /1998 Q-R.html
19 568 0.11% 8029 0.01% /1994.html
20 555 0.11% 5423 0.01% /1998 O-P.html
21 554 0.11% 9480 0.01% /1996 D-N.html
22 552 0.11% 18655 0.02% /1960s.html
23 536 0.11% 7530 0.01% /1993.html
24 515 0.10% 6096 0.01% /1996 A-C.html
25 514 0.10% 6953 0.01% /1995 D-Z.html
26 512 0.10% 6132 0.01% /1997 I-O.html
27 507 0.10% 5677 0.01% /1992.html
28 496 0.10% 6667 0.01% /1998 A-D.html
29 490 0.10% 4591 0.01% /1997 A-D.html
30 486 0.10% 8990 0.01% /1940s.html

Top 10 of 3307 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 223291 43.88% 4050978 5.43% /
2 344 0.07% 2125747 2.85% /Shadow Box
3 102 0.02% 182711 0.24% /JVC_HR-3300.jpeg
4 35 0.01% 162484 0.22% /Su
5 805 0.16% 90559 0.12% /B
6 136 0.03% 85226 0.11% /Toshiba
7 122 0.02% 61763 0.08% /Boyle
8 149 0.03% 46469 0.06% /Ron
9 108 0.02% 42996 0.06% /Sony CCD-VX1.jpeg
10 46 0.01% 40652 0.05% /Nintendo Game Boy

Top 10 of 219 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 223291 43.88% 3936 11.40% /
2 808 0.16% 665 1.93% /1900_1920.html
3 821 0.16% 659 1.91% /1999+.html
4 779 0.15% 612 1.77% /Useful URLs.html
5 733 0.14% 566 1.64% /Index.html
6 704 0.14% 565 1.64% /1990.html
7 686 0.13% 548 1.59% /FINDER.html
8 658 0.13% 536 1.55% /1998_S.html
9 708 0.14% 534 1.55% /History Sites and Articles.html
10 625 0.12% 503 1.46% /1998 L-N.html

Top 10 of 220 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 223291 43.88% 4004 11.64% /
2 821 0.16% 663 1.93% /1999+.html
3 808 0.16% 636 1.85% /1900_1920.html
4 779 0.15% 600 1.74% /Useful URLs.html
5 733 0.14% 564 1.64% /Index.html
6 708 0.14% 535 1.55% /History Sites and Articles.html
7 658 0.13% 528 1.53% /1998_S.html
8 686 0.13% 511 1.48% /FINDER.html
9 625 0.12% 490 1.42% /1998 L-N.html
10 630 0.12% 478 1.39% /1998 T-Z.html

Top 30 of 19343 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 215419 42.33% 215419 44.63% 3916040 5.25% 128 0.34%
2 4715 0.93% 4715 0.98% 47189 0.06% 3 0.01%
3 4503 0.88% 4503 0.93% 45070 0.06% 7 0.02%
4 2930 0.58% 2930 0.61% 29326 0.04% 3 0.01%
5 2691 0.53% 2691 0.56% 26922 0.04% 1 0.00%
6 2595 0.51% 2595 0.54% 326273 0.44% 1 0.00%
7 2446 0.48% 2446 0.51% 0 0.00% 235 0.63%
8 1841 0.36% 1808 0.37% 350678 0.47% 47 0.13%
9 1788 0.35% 1668 0.35% 1161235 1.56% 45 0.12%
10 1735 0.34% 1709 0.35% 301375 0.40% 48 0.13%
11 1661 0.33% 1540 0.32% 1043048 1.40% 49 0.13%
12 1661 0.33% 1629 0.34% 331056 0.44% 44 0.12%
13 1585 0.31% 12 0.00% 120 0.00% 9 0.02%
14 1508 0.30% 1508 0.31% 467286 0.63% 2 0.01%
15 1404 0.28% 0 0.00% 410 0.00% 46 0.12%
16 1267 0.25% 1236 0.26% 448967 0.60% 8 0.02%
17 1218 0.24% 1218 0.25% 12189 0.02% 6 0.02%
18 1197 0.24% 0 0.00% 350 0.00% 10 0.03%
19 1184 0.23% 1160 0.24% 161228 0.22% 145 0.39%
20 1145 0.22% 1145 0.24% 0 0.00% 90 0.24%
21 1103 0.22% 223 0.05% 99358 0.13% 208 0.56%
22 929 0.18% 929 0.19% 330773 0.44% 1 0.00%
23 870 0.17% 7 0.00% 70 0.00% 3 0.01%
24 870 0.17% 870 0.18% 167102 0.22% 1 0.00%
25 868 0.17% 3 0.00% 30 0.00% 5 0.01%
26 812 0.16% 810 0.17% 250554 0.34% 1 0.00%
27 781 0.15% 775 0.16% 285135 0.38% 1 0.00%
28 739 0.15% 736 0.15% 383100 0.51% 15 0.04%
29 730 0.14% 730 0.15% 140108 0.19% 2 0.01%
30 715 0.14% 715 0.15% 286048 0.38% 1 0.00%

Top 10 of 19343 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 215419 42.33% 215419 44.63% 3916040 5.25% 128 0.34%
2 1788 0.35% 1668 0.35% 1161235 1.56% 45 0.12%
3 1661 0.33% 1540 0.32% 1043048 1.40% 49 0.13%
4 546 0.11% 546 0.11% 581569 0.78% 14 0.04%
5 1508 0.30% 1508 0.31% 467286 0.63% 2 0.01%
6 1267 0.25% 1236 0.26% 448967 0.60% 8 0.02%
7 739 0.15% 736 0.15% 383100 0.51% 15 0.04%
8 1841 0.36% 1808 0.37% 350678 0.47% 47 0.13%
9 1661 0.33% 1629 0.34% 331056 0.44% 44 0.12%
10 929 0.18% 929 0.19% 330773 0.44% 1 0.00%

Top 30 of 1267 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 119359 23.45% - (Direct Request)
2 43155 8.48%
3 43134 8.48%
4 43103 8.47%
5 43036 8.46%
6 42991 8.45%
7 19115 3.76%
8 10907 2.14%
9 8645 1.70%
10 7561 1.49%
11 6027 1.18%
12 5930 1.17%
13 5625 1.11%
14 3844 0.76%
15 3453 0.68%
16 3418 0.67%
17 3397 0.67%
18 3235 0.64%
19 3047 0.60%
20 3025 0.59%
21 2853 0.56%
22 2658 0.52% D-Z.html
23 2639 0.52%
24 2474 0.49%
25 2211 0.43%
26 2128 0.42%
27 1946 0.38% I-O.html
28 1920 0.38%
29 1871 0.37% A-D.html
30 1757 0.35%

Top 11 of 11 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 15.38%
2 2 15.38%
3 1 7.69% 1960 professional camera
4 1 7.69%
5 1 7.69%
6 1 7.69%
7 1 7.69%
8 1 7.69%
9 1 7.69%
10 1 7.69% .html
11 1 7.69%

Top 15 of 3475 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 28687 5.64% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
2 15185 2.98% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
3 14777 2.90% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
4 10212 2.01% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:72.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/72.0
5 8323 1.64% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
6 6805 1.34% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Mobile/15E14
7 5237 1.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
8 5227 1.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 5195 1.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
10 5077 1.00% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
11 4263 0.84% Googlebot-Image/1.0
12 3751 0.74% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
13 3672 0.72% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:126.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/126.0
14 3598 0.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
15 3526 0.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.114 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 30 of 90 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 339822 66.77% 325236 67.38% 29812160 39.93% Unresolved/Unknown
2 83467 16.40% 78650 16.29% 21743462 29.13% Commercial (com)
3 36018 7.08% 35409 7.34% 12921729 17.31% Network (net)
4 18636 3.66% 18618 3.86% 1517014 2.03% Russian Federation
5 5445 1.07% 5395 1.12% 1186611 1.59% Germany
6 2051 0.40% 591 0.12% 224028 0.30% Czech Republic
7 1914 0.38% 1908 0.40% 528984 0.71% Educational (edu)
8 1729 0.34% 1725 0.36% 558509 0.75% Canada
9 1611 0.32% 1538 0.32% 381754 0.51% Non-Profit (org)
10 1554 0.31% 1551 0.32% 439293 0.59% Japan
11 1180 0.23% 1176 0.24% 430487 0.58% Poland
12 1093 0.21% 1090 0.23% 402558 0.54% Australia
13 1028 0.20% 973 0.20% 308696 0.41% Netherlands
14 796 0.16% 777 0.16% 287050 0.38% Brazil
15 795 0.16% 721 0.15% 371253 0.50% Austria
16 756 0.15% 754 0.16% 281088 0.38% France
17 713 0.14% 685 0.14% 264992 0.35% Italy
18 712 0.14% 706 0.15% 259917 0.35% Greece
19 636 0.12% 636 0.13% 203445 0.27% Spain
20 537 0.11% 536 0.11% 141740 0.19% Sweden
21 471 0.09% 469 0.10% 162515 0.22% Ukraine
22 458 0.09% 458 0.09% 112486 0.15% Slovakia
23 433 0.09% 298 0.06% 39846 0.05% European Union
24 399 0.08% 397 0.08% 114425 0.15% United Kingdom
25 357 0.07% 351 0.07% 111290 0.15% Mexico
26 354 0.07% 354 0.07% 126575 0.17% Hungary
27 343 0.07% 343 0.07% 106469 0.14% Finland
28 342 0.07% 342 0.07% 105744 0.14% Thailand
29 341 0.07% 339 0.07% 116357 0.16% Belgium
30 333 0.07% 292 0.06% 27280 0.04% China

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21