Kind Words and Requests for Assistance
When we began this site in September
of 2001 the only sites on the net which discussed the history of
digital photography were never more than several pages in length and
seldom showed more than two or three photos of early model still video
or digital cameras. The same was true for virtually all magazine
articles. Digital photography books were not much better.
They never devoted more than a brief chapter to the subject of digital
photography development even though it was the biggest single advance
in photography in more than 150 years.
In 1998 we purchased our first
digital camera and began researching its technical development.
After several months of gathering material off the net, we found that
when attempting to return to various sites those sites were sometimes
no longer in existence or the digital photography articles had been
deleted. Concerned about this disappearance of important
historical information, we contacted every photography historian listed
on the net to make them aware that information about the development of
digital photography was disappearing before anyone had thought to
preserve it for future generations. Only one person replied saying, "Thanks for volunteering!"�
Since we had printed a rather large
stack of material off the net, we decided to accept the challenge and
began to assemble chronological photos of cameras as well as historical
documents by various authors. When we first went online with
DigiCamHistory.Com our only intent was to identify early model still
video and digital cameras for those who might come across a camera they
could not identify. This soon changed to providing basic
information about each camera, and later adding information to the site
concerning the development of photography in general, developments
which had eventually led up to the marketing of digital cameras.
Building a digital photography site
in those days was difficult because there was no single source which
provided more than a few photos or few paragraphs on the subject.
Researching cameras on the net was next to impossible if you did not
know the model number, and how were you to obtain the model number of a
camera that you did not know existed? The only way was to
research every magazine and book available which had some information
on the topic. Other sources included reports on the net of past
technical shows which often contained a few photos of
current cameras or those planned for marketing. Over time, the
site gradually grew in content as we spent many hours hunting down
every lead on cameras that may have existed, but which we hadn't yet documented.
As the site grew in content, we
decided that just documenting the existence of those early model
cameras was not sufficient, thus we also began collecting them so that
they could be preserved for the enjoyment of future generations.
If we had it to do all over again we probably would have established
our collection first and the web site later because of economic
reasons. Once we documented the existence of early model cameras
and encouraged other to collect them, their eBay prices jumped
considerably. One individual reported to us that once we placed a
camera on our site it tripled in market value overnight. We are
now in the position of not being able to afford purchase of some of the
rarer cameras that we could have easily purchased early on. Some
that were once available for a few hundred dollars may now command
prices of many thousands.
One other difference notable from the
early days has been the gradual disappearance of what we would call
professional courtesy between many sites on the net that are devoted to
photography. Early on, virtually every article or report having
to do with digital photography as well as those reporting photography
news, supporting photography discussion forums, etc., had a section for
links to other digital photography sites as we do on our Useful Info
page and History Sites page. Regrettably, perhaps due to economic
competition considerations (competition for viewers and for ads), this
situation is no longer true for most sites. In reviewing the many
links provided by DigiCamHistory.Com to other photography sites, only a
few still provide such links to others, and we could not find a single
one that even mentioned DigiCamHistory.Com as a source of additional
information or even acknowledged our site as a source of information
for their site.
Along that same line, there are a
number of foreign sites on the net that have obtained all or most of
their material from DigiCamHistory.Com, but which do not mention the
source. On our front page we state that the material on our site
is provided for the free use of all photography enthusiasts and we do
not mind at all when foreign sites copy our material and then translate
the English into the language of their own country. If fact, we
strongly encourage it, but would appreciate it if our site were to be
mentioned as the source so that those who can read English and who
might wish to explore the subject in greater depth can do so.
There are no ads on this site and it is financed entirely by the
owner/operator. All photos and written material were either
originated by the owner/operator or are in accordance with the United
States fair use doctrine which governs the use of copyrighted material.
When we first began operation of
DigiCamHistory.Com we received many messages of encouragement from
other photography site operators as well as from viewers of our
site. Following are some of those messages and samples of
requests for assistance we have received over the years. We have
directly helped all those we could, and those we couldn't we referred
to places where we thought their questions could be answered.
Information and photos from our site have been used in many magazine
articles and in the latest edition of the Focal Encyclopedia of
Photography. The early electronic cameras shown on the History
Channels' 90's technology program were from the DigiCamHistory.Com

Thu, 23 May 2002 19:44:29 -0500 [05/23/2002 08:44:29 PM EST]
Arthur Bleich <>
Your site
Hi Roger...
Your site just gets better and better.
I told Kenny Mann, our news guy, to give it a plug in our next news.
He wrote me today and said:
Wonderful site. It worries me that such an obviously useful source of info --
and an independent site -- doesn't turn up right at the top in Google or
All best,
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2002 11:47:46 -0400 [06/09/2002 11:47:46 AM EDT]
From: Silagy <>
Subject: Patent
I read with interest the article by O'Connell in The New York Times
about your research on the history of digital imaging. In behalf
of my co-inventors without their consults, I would like to forward our
copy of our patent on "All Solid State Radiation Imagers" US patent #
3,540,011 (filed Sept. 6, 1968). We also patented this concept in
several countries. Abstract of our disclosure is the following." A flat
screen target for receiving and storing an optical image is composed of
an array of photosensitive diode elements each serially connected with
a capacitor to form an array two terminal devices having each of their
respective first terminals interconnected along a plurality of row
lines and each of their respective second terminals connected along a
plurality of column lines. Sequential coincident pulses are applied
along respective row and column lines for reading the stored condition
of each two terminal device." The authors were Edward H Stupp (Spring
Valley NY), Pieter G Cath (Briarcliff Mnr NY) and Zsolt Szilagyi
(Ossining NY). We were research engineers and physicists at Philips
Labs in Briarcliff Mnr NY. We assigned this patent to Philips Corp. We
made breadboard models of this digital imaging device which was never
photographed as a historical entity as far as I know. Our efforts
and intellectual creation has never been publicized nor has been given
any recognition anywhere. Our corporation had no interest to
further our inroad into digital imaging and the idea was lost. Only one
of us, Stupp remained with Philips to retire recently. Cath went to
Keithley Instr. Co. and I changed career from physics to health
care. Our patent can be verified from the US Patent office. The
date of the granting was on Nov. 10, 1970 more than two years after our
file date.
Z Stephen Silagy
325 S Highland Ave.
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 16:37:41 EST [01/24/2004 04:37:41 PM EDT]
Subject: Digital Camera Patent filed in 1988
I Filed a patent in 1988 For a Digital Camera.
After writing to several companies, Receiving a reply only from KODAK
basically stating that the patent did not cover my idea as it used "off the shelf
components". Also I attempted and failed to gain funding from various sources.
One of which at BICC told me he did not think there was a market for such a
product and that if it were any good, the BIG companies would have done it
already! I gave it up as a bad job. Please consider my
patent for your site, I will E-mail it if you want to see it. I
think you will notice a remarkable resemblance to the modern digital
camera. The Patent Number CAN be verified.
Many thanks for your time.
A. Barnard
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 17:53:47 +0000 [11/30/2004 12:53:47 PM EDT]
From: Michael Roscoe <>
Subject: Digital Photographer (magazine)
Dear Mr Carter,
I'm currently working on an article for Digital Photographer (magazine)
that looks back (in history) on certain digital cameras that played an
important contribution in the development of digital cameras today. I'd
really need to get hold of some hi-res camera images to illustrate the
piece and I'd be really grateful if you could get your hands on any of
these classic camera product shots and email them back to me. (See list
below*) If you can help out I can print contact details of
your website and publish you email address to heighten awareness of you
excellent site.
You help is greatly appreciated,
all the best,
Michael Roscoe
Editor, Digital Photographer (magazine)
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 12:04:24 -0500 [03/25/2005 12:04:24 PM EDT]
From: Michael Peres <>
Subject: focal encyclopedia of photography
Dear Mr Carter
I received your name from John Larrish here in Rochester New York. My name is Michael
Peres and I am working as the editor in chief of the Focal Encyclopedia of Photography,
4th edition. We are in the throws of revising the 3rd edition and publishing a 1200 page
new edition sharing parts of the 3rd edition as well as integrating 250 pages of new
material. The reason for this email is to invite your participation in this edition by
authoring(chronicling) the evolution of digital photography in a similar fashion as to
what was done with film photography. Mr. Larrish suggested you to be an excellent choice
to create this work for the book which is due out in 2006 as a consequence of all your
hard work, chronicling, and interest in digital camera/technology history from the
beginning of this new technology. We currently have content through 1990.
I would be interested in having the writing completed by the early Fall end of
September time frame.
If this is something that appeals to you, I look forward to your earliest reply so we can
talk further.
All the best
Michael Peres
Chair, Biomedical Photographic Communications
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2007 10:57:55 +0100 [03/06/2007 04:57:55 AM EDT]
From: Amarowicz Anna <>
Subject: publication in Polityka
Hallo, I am looking for a piture of Boyle and Smith for publication. Do
you know where I coud find a high resolution image? I would
appriciate your help.
Best regards,
Anna Amarowicz
ul. Slupecka 6
02-309 Warsaw, Poland
tel. 00 48 22 451 61 70
Thu, 11 Oct 2007 13:53:27 -0700 [10/11/2007 04:53:27 PM EST]
Kaylan Eggert <>
My name is Kaylan Eggert, and I am a Writer/Producer on the acclaimed
History Channel documentary series Modern Marvels.
I'm currently working on a project titled "90s Tech" that will focus on
everything related to technology developed in the 90s. One thing that I
am going to include in the program is the evolution of the digital
camera throughout the 90s. I wanted to see if you might be willing to
let me borrow some of your digital cameras for a couple days for
filming. I think it would be a great addition in the program to show
the viewer what the first digital camera looked like and how it evolved
throughout the decade. odern Marvels" at
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:42:33 +0100 [10/30/2007 12:42:33 PM EDT]
From: "Roland M. Horn" <>
Subject: Request for copyright permission
Dear Mr. Carter,
I'm working at a book-projekt with the title "Atlantis und die Welt von
vorgestern - Die Fakten sprechen *f�r* Atlantis." I still have not spoke
with a publisher about the publishing of my manuskript. I'd like to
reproduce the picture of the crookes tube on your site
therefore. Do you have the rights and do you allow me, to preproduce this
figure for my book?
Roland M. Horn
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 11:01:08 -0500 [11/14/2007 11:01:08 AM EDT]
From: karen dugan <>
Subject: flash bulbs in 1903?
Dear R.L. Carter,
I am illustrating a children's book set in the early 1900's,
and the author mentions journalists shooting pictures with flashbulbs-
were they invented by 1903, or did the still use the flash powder?
I would appreciate any information you may offer.
Karen Dugan
Wed, 5 Dec 2007 20:35:49 -0800 [12/05/2007 11:35:49 PM EST]
Alan Diaz <>
digicam history
I use your digicam history page religiously. It's a fine page,
packed with great information on early digital cameras. In fact,
your page got me into the hobby of collecting and playing with older
digital cameras.
Thanks again for creating that interesting web page. You may have spawned a whole new sub-hobby in photography.
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 09:12:22 -0500 [02/04/2008 09:12:22 AM EDT]
From: "Robert M. Fridhandler" <>
Subject: Question...
R. L. Carter -
I was wondering if you might be able to tell me when the first CMOS
based camera phone (as opposed to CCD based) was put on the market. I
would like to know the year this happened, but month and year, company,
product name / model, price would be nice to have as well.
Please and thanks -
Robert Fridhandler
Strategic Analysis Inc.
2208 Quarry Drive, Suite 100
West Lawn, PA 19609-1158
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 10:08:16 -0800 [02/07/2008 01:08:16 PM EDT]
From: Kaylan Eggert <>
To: Kaylan Eggert <>
Subject: Modern Marvels: 90s Tech - PREMIERES TONIGHT!!!
Modern Marvels: 90s Tech Premieres: TONIGHT!
Thursday, February 7th @ 8pm ET/PT on The History Channel (please check
local listings)
90s Tech: It was the dot com decade that opened up the information
superhighway. "Modern Marvels: 90s Tech" takes you way back to the end
of the 20th century and the beginning of today's trendy technologies.
From DVDs to TIVO to GPS, see how the digital gadgets we can't live
without all started in the 90s.
For more information log on to:
Thank you to everyone for your help and participation.
Enjoy the show,
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 18:03:13 -0500 [03/07/2008 06:03:13 PM EDT]
From: michael scott sheerin <>
Subject: Images of the MAVICA and Dycam
Hello. I am writing a chapter on digital imaging, and I would like to
include a photograph of either the MAVICA (1981) or the DYCAM (1990) in
the book. The book is Communication Technology Update from Focal
Press and will be the 11th edition.
Michael Scott Sheerin
Assistant Professor
School of Journalism and Mass Communications
Biscayne Bay Campus - FIU
Phone: 305.919.5696
Office: ACII – 314
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 08:07:59 -0400 [04/28/2008 08:07:59 AM EDT]
From: "Boyer, Charles" <>
Subject: RE: Television Inventor != Zworkin.
Thanks, Rodger. This is something that my students use and they often
come back with Marconi as the inventor of radio and Zworkin television,
mainly due to the persistence of RCA to this day.
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 18:28:50 +0300 [05/22/2008 11:28:50 AM EDT]
From: Dirk Buchmann <>
Subject: Camcorder Research- Help needed
Dear Mr. Carter
I am working on a movie, starring Milla Jovovich, in Sofia, Bulgaria. The
story takes place in the year 2000 and I have to supply 3-4 Hi8 and VHS
camcorders. These older models are available, but we are struggling to find
reliable information as to their first year of manufacture. An example is a
Samsung VP-W87 camcorder. Yours is the only webpage I have been able to
find, that deals in the history of camcorders and I would be so
grateful if you could help me to get
the historically correct equipment.
With thanks,
Dirk Buchmann
Date: Mon, 05 Jan 2009 16:46:47 +0100 [01/05/2009 10:46:47 AM EDT]
From: Padmakumar Rao <>
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Padmakumar Rao, and am currently writing my PhD thesis on CMOS Image Sensors in
Deep-Submicron technology. I wish to use the picture of Boyle and Smith that you have
included in your website in my thesis. The thesis will only be
for private circulation within the university, and for educational purpose.
Many thanks in advance,
Kind regards
Padmakumar Rao
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 08:47:18 -0600 [02/25/2009 09:47:18 AM EDT]
From: "Wood, Finkle" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Image inquiry
My name is Patti Wood Finkle and I am an exhibits intern at the
Museum of Texas Tech University. Currently, we are developing a
virtual exhibit based on the history of cameras and are interested in
two of the images that we found on your web site. The images will
be used solely in a digital format on a computer screen for educational
We are interested in the images of the Olympus Deltis VC-1100 and
the image of Edwin Land revealing the first polaroid picture at the
Optical Society meeting.
Patti Wood Finkle
Intern, Museum of Texas Tech University
Sun, 1 Mar 2009 06:12:27 -0500 [03/01/2009 06:12:27 AM EST]
Andy Dagwell <>
I really enjoy your site too, Rodger. I'll be passing the link along to
other friends whenever they need a history lesson or whenever the
questions of dates and such come up. You've got quite a wealth of
knowledge compiled there and your work is appreciated. Thanks again!
Andrew Dagwell
Grand Rapids, MI
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:27:30 -0700 [03/12/2009 07:27:30 PM EDT]
From: "Earle, Colin" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: Fairchild Imaging
I was browsing on your rich and interesting history site today and I
noticed you have referenced Fairchild Imaging for the first commercial
CCD. First, let me thank you for the mention. We appreciate being
included on your site and the favorable mention.
Colin Earle
Fairchild Imaging
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 15:24:17 -0500 [07/15/2009 04:24:17 PM EDT]
From: Judy Ladendorf <>
Subject: need copyright info for Chinese uprising photo on your website
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are working with Kendall/Hunt Publishing and would like to use the photo
of the Chinese tank pointing at bicyclists in China, 1989 from and scroll down to the photo.
Thank you very much.
Judy Ladendorf
Photo Research Manager, The Permissions Group
1247 Milwaukee Ave., Suite 303, Glenview, IL 60025
Thu, 03 Sep 2009 03:20:34 -0300 [09/03/2009 02:20:34 AM EST]
"" <>
Nice Website You Have
I just wanted to let you know I like your website .
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2009 17:47:19 +0100 [10/01/2009 12:47:19 PM EDT]
From: Rodney Bates <>
Subject: Digicam History
Dear Sirs,
I came across your site when researching for history of the
digital photographic market in the last 20 years. The reason for this
time frame is that we are a photographic educational retailer in the
United Kingdom and this is our 20th Anniversary Year. As a way to
celebrate this milestone I have embarked on a project to produce a free
A2 poster to be used in U.K. High Schools outlining a timeframe on how
our wonderful industry has been transformed since 1990.
Could I ask you for permission to reproduce some of your product
information listed on your site and maybe some of the images too?
Kind regards.
Rodney Bates, Sales Director
Firstcall Photographic Limited
Wed, 9 Jun 2010 11:12:03 +0200 [06/09/2010 05:12:03 AM EST]
Martin Emmrich <>
I like your Page!
It is amazing!
Do you have same collected booklet from you page ...
like a pdf-file with all documents an picture I can find on your page?
If not ... go on with your page like today, it is wonderful.
Best regards from Germany,
Martin Emmrich.
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 02:24:05 -0400 [06/18/2009 02:24:05 AM EDT]
From: Colette Evans <>
Subject: history question
Hi, I am doing a report on the history of digital cameras. Can
you help me? What year did you know about digital cameras?
When were they presented at trade shows? (before the public
launch sort of thing.) What year would you say the industry knew
they would soon be the wave of the future? Can you send me to any
sites that would help in my research? Thank you!!!
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 15:29:39 -0400 [08/25/2009 03:29:39 PM EDT]
From: Abigail Reip <>
Dear Roger,
Several years ago, you assisted me with a textbook I was working on for
Cengage Learning, formerly Thomson Learning. I am hoping that you can
assist me again. I am working on a textbook titled 'Spotlight on Digital
Photography" by Jennifer Gipp. This text will be published in December
On behalf of the publisher, I am requesting non-exclusive permission to
publish the image in all editions, adaptations, derivatives, and
ancillaries of the aforementioned text for worldwide distribution in all
languages and media. The publisher will print a standard credit line
(Courtesy of Tatiana Hwang) unless you prefer another format.
Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Best regards,
Abby Reip
AR Photo Research
205 Old Harvard Road
Boxborough, MA 01719
phone: 978-263-5091
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 08:27:53 -0400 [06/11/2010 08:27:53 AM EDT]
My name is Crystal and I wanted to provide feedback on your page
( I'm not sure if you're the right
person to contact, but I wanted to tell you that as a student teacher
working on a lesson plan for next year, your page was a great source of
Take Care,
From: ??? <>
Subject: May I have some opinion from you?
Dear Mr. Carter,
I am really impressive about your web-site. And I am now
doing some antique digital camera collection as well. And I
think you might be the very person for my question.
Sincerely yours.
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 16:36:59 +0300 [08/13/2010 09:36:59 AM EDT]
From: Risto Sarvas <>
Subject: A question about an image
Thanks for hosting such a great website. I am writing a book on the technical history of
photography and your site has been a goldmine :) I would like to use
one of the images in my book
Kind regards,
Risto Sarvas
Research scientist / Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT
visiting fellow / University of Surrey
phone: +358 (0) 50 384 1553
fax: +358 (9) 694 9768
Wed, 13 Oct 2010 11:03:41 +0000 [10/13/2010 07:03:41 AM EST]
Makkonen Pekka <>
"" <>
Thank you for your work!
Dear Rodger,
I am Finnish photographer and researcher finishing my doctoral thesis
on digitalisation of photography. My doctoral thesis "CAMERA PIXELA
– Professional Points of View on Digitalisation of Photography"
will be published next month and I will defend it publicly at 4th of
I want to thank you and your great work at Your
site has been one of the main sources in my work covering history of
digital cameras.
Wed, 13 Apr 2011 16:52:32 +0200 [04/13/2011 10:52:32 AM EST]
Dennis van Hall <>
Site and collection
Hello Mr. Carter,
My complimentaries to your site and devotion to "ancient" digital
cameras. Since 2 years I have been building my own collection though it
is very hard to come by any "rarities" over here in Germany.
Your site has helped me a lot in building my collection. It is a highly
useful resource for any enthusiast. Just to see what you have in your
collection makes anyone hope to own himself one day.
Keep up the good work and let's hope the site stays on forever.
Best wishes,
Dennis van Hall
Mon, 9 May 2011 18:47:40 -0400 [05/09/2011 06:47:40 PM EST]
Your Page on was a Big Help!
Hi Rodger,
My name is Kelly and I am a history teacher. My students are currently
working on their history projects on a variety of topics. They have
been doing a decent amount of research to find the best resources to
use for their projects. It is hard to find reliable and informative
resources these days on the Internet, so I was glad they came across
your page. My students found your page to be very informative and
resourceful for their projects. Thank you for making such a good
My students brought your page to my attention and I agree that it is a
very good source and very user friendly. I have decided to bookmark
your page for future projects and I will be incorporating some of the
information into my curriculum for next year. One of my students,
Ashley, found this
I really appreciate the time you took in building your page, and I
cannot thank you enough for inspiring my students. Ashley anxiously
awaits her bonus points! :)
Thanks again for your wonderful resource!
Kelly Carter
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 12:54:37 -0400 [08/02/2011 12:54:37 PM EDT]
Subject: Request permission to use an image on your site
I'm the managing editor of IEEE Potentials, the student publication for
the IEEE. We're putting together a 30-year timeline to celebrate the 30th
anniversary of the magazine and I would like to know if we could use the
image of the Toshiba SD-3000 DVD player that is posted on your Web site.
Thank you for your consideration.
Craig Causer, Managing Editor, IEEE Magazines
445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08855, +1 732 562 3959
Mon, 29 Aug 2011 12:50:39 +0300 [08/29/2011 05:50:39 AM EST]
Galina Miklosic <>
I am interested in your publication and would
like to translate it to Ukrainian language, so I can share it with the readers on my
Galina Miklosic
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 04:50:54 +0300 [09/11/2011 09:50:54 PM EDT]
From: Alexander Ovsov <>
I am interested in your publication and would like to translate it
to Romanian language, so I can share it with the readers on my blog.
For doing that I need your written permission. The translation is
non-commercial and will be posted only on the Web, no print copies are
Alexander Ovsov
Fri, 23 Sep 2011 04:09:55 +0000 [09/23/2011 12:09:55 AM EST]
Bob Bothamley <>
"" <>
Any Good Histories of Digital Photography?
Hi Rodger,
I love your website and refer to it often. I am very interested in the
history of digital photography. I am amazed at how quickly it has
progressed and the scope of its impact on modern life.
I look forward to hearing from you and keep up the great work!
Robert Bothamley
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2012 19:28:35 -0200 [01/04/2012 04:28:35 PM EDT]
From: Carlos Marinho <>
Good morning...My name is Carlos Marinho, 55, and I live in Petr�polis – Brazil.
I?m an amateur photographer and I like to teach about photography to a
lot of people in my city, Petr�polis (RJ) ?something about 45
miles far from Rio de Janeiro. Most of them have only
?point-and-shot? Pocket cameras? but others have really a DSLR and
don?t know how to use it !!!! Your site is perfect?..absolutely
helpful?.. with text and images that are very important to explain
history and photography art and technics.
Carlos Marinho
Tue, 17 Apr 2012 14:28:18 -0400 [04/17/2012 02:28:18 PM EST]
Melinda Daniels <>
Helpful television history information for your page
I'm presently in the process of working on a series of online magazine
articles about the development of the television. The first part will
be on the invention of the television with subsequent parts covering
early television, television stars, shows and a few others. Hopefully,
it will work out as I plan!
While doing some research on the television, I found your page
( I enjoyed your site and
found the information to be helpful for my research on the technology
advancements over time.
Thanks again,
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 09:20:46 -0400 [04/20/2012 09:20:46 AM EDT]
I have referred to your DigiCamHistory site many times, but I've
failed to contribute. I developed the first DSLRs at Kodak in the
1987-1990 period and then was the lead engineer for the DCS
series of cameras until they were discontinued in 2004.
Let me know if you have any questions about Kodak DSLRs. And
thanks for your valuable and fascinating website!
Best regards,
Jim McGarvey
Tue, 24 Apr 2012 17:37:06 -0400 [04/24/2012 05:37:06 PM EST]
Chuck Brueckmann <>
"" <>
Hey Rodger,
Love the website! I wanted to see if you would give our radio station
permission to use some of your photo in a photo gallery on our website
( I am putting a history of technology gallery together and
you have some great shots. If you are OK with this, please let me know
who/what to credit.
Chuck Brueckmann | Multimedia Manager/Web Designer
WLS 890AM (Talk) & 94.7 WLS-FM (Classic Hits)
190 North State Street / Chicago, IL 60601
Sun, 13 May 2012 12:51:28 -0400 [05/13/2012 12:51:28 PM EST]
Camera History
Hi Rodger,
Just came across your camera history website - really incredible amount of information.
It brought back many memories.
Dick Frieders
Sat, 16 Jun 2012 18:55:39 -0700 [06/16/2012 09:55:39 PM EST]
Steve Paxton <>
Wonderful Website
Hello Rodger!
You have a wonderful website – thanks for taking the time to curate it for everyone to enjoy.
I own and manage a photography website called the F/Stop Spot
( It’s a resource and community for new and
experienced photographers. I would love it if you would add the link to
your Useful Links page (
Thanks again!
Steve Paxton
Thu, 13 Dec 2012 09:41:02 -0500 [12/13/2012 09:41:02 AM EST]
thanks...and a question
Thank you for creating your web site about the history of digital
cameras. I have enjoyed reading the descriptions of the early cameras.
My, my, how far we"ve come!
I guess I would be called a late-comer to digital camera technology,
though looking at my I/OMagic MagicImage 500 camera I do feel a bit
Garrett Mussmann
Wed, 27 Feb 2013 13:49:56 -0500 [02/27/2013 01:49:56 PM EST]
Rodger, digital imaging help
Good Afternoon, Rodger!
I just wanted to send you a quick note on behalf of my library's Media Center in Vermont!
Our history department is in the midst of helping kids with their
midterm projects; a lot of them have been scanning documents and
photographs as references. I found your page to be quite helpful
Thanks for making it!
Hope to hear from you soon!
- Sarah
Sat, 31 Aug 2013 12:53:08 +0200 [08/31/2013 06:53:08 AM EST]
Camera history website
Thank you for creating this camera history website!
Ferenc Kerekes
Wed, 23 Jul 2014 18:19:56 +0100 [07/23/2014 01:19:56 PM EST]
Dom UKfilmNet <>
Great site Roger
Hi Roger
Absolutely fascinating read. How did you put all that together?
Thank you for curating this valuable information sir, it is appreciated