In July of 1969 I returned from a one-year tour in Southeast Asia
during the Vietnam War just in time to see Neil Armstrong and Edwin
Aldrin land on the moon. I took 72 photos of the event with a Yashica
Electro 35 camera of the images on my parents early model Motorola
color TV. For many years I assumed the slides of the landing and
return to earth to have been lost, but I recently found them mixed with
other slides. I scanned them and have recorded them to a CD. Shown
below are some of those photos. They are probably pretty rare as I
doubt that many individuals, if any, thought to take still photos off
their TV as the event took place.

Path of Lunar
15 minutes to landing

2000 feet to
18 seconds to touchdown

The Eagle has Landed! 4:17 pm 20 July 69 Photos from
camera on Lunar Module leg

Neil Armstrong descends to the moon's surface 11:56 p.m. 20 July, 1969
"Thats's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Surface of the
moon Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin joins Armstrong on the moon

The American flag is placed on the
moon President Nixon speaks with the astronauts

CBS broadcasters

Mission control at Houston, Texas

Helmet reflection of earth and moon's surface
Inside the Lunar Module

Earth as seen from the
Neil Armstrong, first man on the moon

Simulation of reentry
Crew of the U.S.S. Hornet

Recovery helicopter over the space
Space capsule with flotation gear

U.S.S. Hornet Recovery
helicopter Apollo 11 crew hoisted aboard

Recovery helicopter returns to the U.S.S. Hornet Houston Mission Control

Helicopter being towed to parking
spot Decals on helicopter for 3 other recoveries

Crew departing
Crew welcomed aboard the U.S.S. Hornet

Crew entering Mobile Decontamination
Facility The
crew's home until August 10th